
Support the LingComm Grants


Support the LingComm Grants

The 2024 LingComm Grants consist of one or more $500 (USD) LingComm Project Grant(s) to support linguistics communication projects that bring linguistics to new audiences in engaging ways, and are coordinated and judged by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne (who also provide a mentorship meeting to grantees).

In 2020 and 2022, we were able to give out extra grants thanks to the generosity of contributors here and Lingthusiasm supporters on Patreon. The ongoing support of Lingthusiasm patrons is still vital to enabling us to plan for projects like these grants and the LingComm Conference in advance, so contributions there are still really helpful, plus they get you things like bonus episodes! However, some people have asked for a way to give a one-time contribution to the grants, so this is what we're trying!

If you're feeling really generous, you can sponsor a whole grant of either size, but we're also happy to pool together smaller contributions!


You'll get a summary of previous LingComm Grant projects, updates on this year's new grantees (which you've helped support!), and an "I contributed to the LingComm Grants" image to make you feel warm and fuzzy!

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